How to Fix Crumbly Cookie Dough

Is your chocolate chip, shortbread, or sugar cookie dough too dry? Maybe you incorrectly measured dry ingredients, or your cookie dough dried out in the fridge?

If you're wondering how do you add moisture to dry cookie dough, here are a few different ways, how to fix crumbly cookie dough, and what to do with dry cookies!

Common Reason for Dry Cookie Dough #1: Too Much Flour A cup of flour measured with a measuring cup can actually contain varying amounts of flour, leading to a cookie that's too dry.

Common Reason for Dry Cookie Dough #2: Wet Ingredients Not At Room Temperature When adding in your melted butter, brown sugar, white sugar, or eggs, or any extra ingredients that add liquid to your homemade cookies, make sure that you've allowed them to come to room temperature.

Common Reason for Dry Cookie Dough #3: Not Enough Fat or Enough Liquid Be sure to use the full amount of butter, oil, milk, or eggs that the recipe calls for. Also, be sure to use large eggs if the recipe calls for it -- smaller eggs contain less liquid.

Common Reason for Dry Cookie Dough #4: Overmixing When mixing your dough, only mix as much as needed to bring the dough together!

Cookie Dough Dried Out in Fridge? To prevent this, be sure to always cover your dough tightly with plastic wrap if you plan to store it in the fridge for more than an hour.

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